Sustaining Places:
Attack of the Podcasters! 2 – November 13 and 27 Write and record your own podcast about your historic site at “Attack of the Podcasters.” The workshop will be held at the New Castle Public Library, New Castle, DE, on October 30 and November 13. Enrollment is limited to 12. Cost is $30 per person for Tri-State members, $60 per person for nonmembers. To receive the workshop flyer, click here or email [email protected].
Attack of the Podcasters! 2 – November 13 and 27 Write and record your own podcast about your historic site at “Attack of the Podcasters.” The workshop will be held at the New Castle Public Library, New Castle, DE, on October 30 and November 13. Enrollment is limited to 12. Cost is $30 per person for Tri-State members, $60 per person for nonmembers. To receive the workshop flyer, click here or email [email protected].
Workshop Registration
Tri-State Members:
Workshop Registration for Tri-State Members Attack of the Podcasters! $30.00 USD
Thinking about joining? If you register for a workshop, you will automatically become a Tri-State member! As part of your membership, you will qualify for reduced, member-pricing for future workshops, and we will send you a copy of the Standards and Practices for Historic Site Administration booklet.
To register, follow three simple steps:
1. Select the workshop that you want to attend below.
2. Click “Buy Now” and proceed to purchase.
3. Please complete the online registration form. (After purchasing the workshop, you will be directed to a registration form)
Workshop Registration for Non-Member Registration Attack of the Podcasters! $60.00 USD
Workshop Registration for Tri-State Members Attack of the Podcasters! $30.00 USD
Thinking about joining? If you register for a workshop, you will automatically become a Tri-State member! As part of your membership, you will qualify for reduced, member-pricing for future workshops, and we will send you a copy of the Standards and Practices for Historic Site Administration booklet.
To register, follow three simple steps:
1. Select the workshop that you want to attend below.
2. Click “Buy Now” and proceed to purchase.
3. Please complete the online registration form. (After purchasing the workshop, you will be directed to a registration form)
Workshop Registration for Non-Member Registration Attack of the Podcasters! $60.00 USD